2010-12-26 08:04:43 UTC
The u5 open source binaries are still freely available through the end of the year. Expect them to go away soon after that, though.
At Oracle, upgrades are free as long as you maintain a valid support contract. The cost of licenses is based on core count, so it scales with cluster size. Of course, reps tend to be more willing to get approval for higher discounts to land the larger cluster deals. How small of an installation did you have in mind? I still may have a couple of unplayed cards up my sleeve...
from the gridengine
i can download 6u5 release, and there is no indication about a limited
i just have to "agree to the Sun Grid Engine 6.2U5 Open Source License
Evaluation License
You may evaluate the software internally for a period of 90 days from
your first use.
Actually, i have 6u3. Can i upgrade to 6u5 without paying?
For recent releases, i don't find costs information anywhere. Any chance
to have small fees for small installations?
I also visit the OGS website on sourceforge, not very exciting now...
merry christmas,
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At Oracle, upgrades are free as long as you maintain a valid support contract. The cost of licenses is based on core count, so it scales with cluster size. Of course, reps tend to be more willing to get approval for higher discounts to land the larger cluster deals. How small of an installation did you have in mind? I still may have a couple of unplayed cards up my sleeve...
Like the Sun Grid Engine releases since SGE 6.2u3, the product is not
anymore "free" to use. With the download you accept a 30 day (before 90
day) evaluation license unless you have a valid SGE/OGE license.
Like the Sun Grid Engine releases since SGE 6.2u3, the product is not
anymore "free" to use. With the download you accept a 30 day (before 90
day) evaluation license unless you have a valid SGE/OGE license.
from the gridengine
i can download 6u5 release, and there is no indication about a limited
i just have to "agree to the Sun Grid Engine 6.2U5 Open Source License
Evaluation License
You may evaluate the software internally for a period of 90 days from
your first use.
Actually, i have 6u3. Can i upgrade to 6u5 without paying?
For recent releases, i don't find costs information anywhere. Any chance
to have small fees for small installations?
I also visit the OGS website on sourceforge, not very exciting now...
merry christmas,
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