IRC Channels
2010-11-22 18:35:08 UTC
Hello everyone,

It was good to meet several of you at SC10 last week. As promised in some conversations there I just wanted to post a short blurb about two IRC channels which may be of interest to GridEngine users: #gridengine and #hpc on irc.freenode.net

#gridengine is for discussion of any GridEngine related topics, including SGE, OGE, and any of the open-source forks.

#hpc is for discussion of any general HPC / HTC / Enterprise Technical Computing, etc topics.

I invite anyone who's interested in either topic to join us.

- Kamil


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2010-11-28 15:57:49 UTC
Post by kisielk
Hello everyone,
It was good to meet several of you at SC10 last week. As promised in
some conversations there I just wanted to post a short blurb about
#gridengine and #hpc on irc.freenode.net
I'm pleased to see any communication channels, but it may be worth
pointing out that IRC is often of limited use -- it's typically banned
by the network police, at least in UK academia. [There once was a list
of 10(?) network rules we could be disciplined for violating, all but
one of which I transgressed in the course of what I understood as my
professional duties in another establishment.]
Dave Love
Advanced Research Computing, Computing Services, University of Liverpool
AKA ***@gnu.org


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